Hushed Voices, Secrets Untold

Giving women a voice, one day at a time

Blog Anniversary

Well today is my two year blog anniversary! It seems appropriate considering that Blogher’12 was just completed yesterday in New York City. I have learned a great deal in these past two years.

I began blogging after the death of my mother to try and put the pieces together and to honor her work that she did with domestic violence survivors. My mother was an avid volunteer at a domestic violence shelter, and she also served on the board of one as well.

I began Ramblings of The Geek Wife as a mix of daily life stuff, and my domestic violence work. But, then after a while I realized that the domestic violence work was so important, that it needed its own space, and hence this blog Hushed Voices, Secrets Untold was born.

I have learned many things in the past two years, such as, not every one is going to agree with your opinion. However, they are just that, opinions.

I have also learned that I am not just writing for me. I am writing to help other people. I am writing to give those a voice that may not have one.

I am writing to lend a hand to those that need it the most.

This past weekend I did not go to New York City, I attended BlogHer At Home. This was a unique opportunity, for those of us that could not attend, to participate from home. I learned a great deal about using many web based features to increase site exposure.

BlogHer At Home also allowed me to participate in discussions, although from a distance, through the #BlogHer12 hashtag.

So, as I move into year three of blogging, I will take the tools I learned, put them to good use, and continue to network towards my cause of domestic violence.

I will continue to strive to help put an end to domestic violence, and bring attention to the victims, and give them a voice, one day at a time.

Here is to another productive year!


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