Hushed Voices, Secrets Untold

Giving women a voice, one day at a time

Archive for the tag “epidemic”

Re-directing Focus

As many of you know, who followed my domestic violence blog posts at my other blog Ramblings of The Geek Wife, I posted there about many things including domestic violence. I decided that my domestic violence work needed a focus all its own due to the very nature of the topic and its importance. This new blog Hushed Voices, Secrets Untold will focus on domestic violence specifically and the available resources to its victims. Domestic violence is an epidemic that we all need to work together to bring national focus to, so that one day this will no longer be such a huge issue like it is today. The new focus will include such things as the stigma that is still attached to domestic violence, giving victims of domestic violence a voice, one woman and child at a time and finally, the fact that the violence is not always physical.

In 2010, according to the National Network to End Domestic Violence 70, 648 victims were served in one day, in shelters across the country. This really puts into perspective how large this problem really is. That is ONE day. Therefore, I am directing my focus of this blog to getting help to this that need it most. Those that can’t get help through traditional means. If you know someone that may need help, or even suspect they may need it, please direct them to this website. As you can see there are already many resources here and more are being added every day.

Please be a part of the solution, be an advocate, be a volunteer, work the hotline, donate your time, money, or whatever you feel you can. Domestic violence affects many people every year, and that number is growing by the thousands every year. Let’s stop this epidemic now.



Be the Change, Save a Life

I was watching “The View” one morning and Diane Sawyer was on the show talking about her new 20/20 special “Be the Change, Save a Life” that aired Friday night December 17, 2010, on ABC. She was speaking about how she is going around the country challenging high school students to solve one of the worlds problems, and once they do so, sending that solution to whatever country that needed the solution and making a change, saving a life. It occurred to me that this is how we could possibly put an end to domestic violence.

Domestic violence is a national epidemic. It is not just a local problem. Women come from all walks of life, rich, and poor are suffering. They are suffering because we cannot figure out how to put an end to this never ending, vicious cycle problem. Maybe what we need is a challenge to figure out how to solve this problem. Sure, it is a social, behavioral and economical problem, but there has to be a solution. Women and children must stop suffering at the hands of those they love. Women must stop dying because they once trusted and loved someone.

Domestic violence is a silent epidemic no one talks about it until it is too late. This is the solution to the problem, education, community awareness, community programs, and community volunteering. But, most of all getting it out in the open where women who are abused are not afraid to come for help, are not afraid they won’t be heard and are not afraid that they have to hang their heads in shame and embarrassment due to the abuse.

I am challenging us all to find a solution to the problem and cure this silent epidemic. It is about time that women and children can be safe in their homes, and safe to live a life full of love and happiness. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is working diligently everyday to find new solutions to this problem.

Posted on this site is information to help those that may be hurting, but further more there is a link to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence so that you may contact them with ideas, and other resources to help put an end to domestic violence.

Let’s make 2011 the year we find a solution to and put an end to domestic violence, one woman at a time.


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